8 Date ideas for the young, broke, and sexy

So, you’re in your twenties and are dating. You found someone you want to wine and dine and shower with gifts and take dancing and get bottle service. There’s just one tiny problem: you’re a broke-ass. Your current cash flow is less than desirable, thanks to your entry-level low paying job, living expenses, and student loans that have replaced your previous college housing and copious amount of financial support you were receiving from your parents. And we can’t forget that highly anticipated financial aid check.

Welcome to the real world, my friends. Bills are going to be a challenge and being financially savvy will be too. You’re in luck, though, because there are plenty of ways to date someone on a dime, without looking like a cheap-ass or loser. Here are some ways to date on a budget:


  1. Cook dinner at home and watch a movie or Netflix. I will have you know that a package of spicy Italian sausage, a decent jarred or canned tomato sauce, parmesan cheese, and some boxed pasta can be dressed up in a big way. Get a medium sized white onion, a few garlic cloves and a bottle of 3-buck Chuck Cabernet, and you have yourself a meal costing under $15. Soup up the sauce by dicing the onion and garlic and sautéing in olive oil (oil covering the bottom of sauce pan) over medium heat until the onions are clear (about 15 min). Add the sausage (removed from the casing) and cook through. Season the sausage generously with salt/pepper. Once the sausage is cooked, add your tomato sauce and fresh or dried basil and more salt and pepper. Reduce to a low boil for about 25-30 min. Serve with pasta of your choice, boiled in salted water. Finish with Parmesan and accompany with a glass of red wine. Approximate cost: $12

  2. Go to a downtown area and either get some ice cream or a coffee and walk wound and people watch. Sometimes a nice stroll with your beau on a nice evening is all you need. Coffee and dessert don’t hurt, either, guaranteed good time are to be had. Approximate cost: $10

  3. Find a local hot-spot with great happy hour specials. Go for a few cheap drinks and eats. Follow it up with a nice stroll or make-out session. Etc.etc. Depending on where the night takes you, watch TV or a Movie and order a pizza if you get hungry again later. Approximate cost: $40

  4. See if there is a local pizza place that sells slices or opt for some Mexican…typically cheap and rarely disappointing. If you want, add a few beers. Approximate cost: $6-$30

  5. Find a local trail and go for a bike-ride. Pack a backpack with a few subs and beverages. Nothing beats a date/workout combo. Approximate Cost: $10

  6. Volunteer at the local Animal Rescue Shelter and offer to dog walk on a Saturday or Sunday Morning. Have breakfast at a diner afterwards. Approximate cost: $14

  7. Have dinner with your parents. Ok, I know what you’re thinking here. But if you have been dating long enough, and the meet the parents stage has passed, make arrangements to eat at their place or go out to dinner. They’ll pay, Parents are good like that. ;) Approximate Cost: Free

  8. Stay in and have a movie or TV marathon. Buy some cheap wine or beer and order Chinese take-out. Approximate Cost: $20-30

Bottom line is this - if the person you are dating is all about the money and not your company, you have bigger problems on your hands than financial woes. Over-spending beyond your means to impress someone is going to do nothing but embark financial stress on you, and cause you greater problems in the long run. When you are dating, trust me, the company and conversation will trump an extravagant evening that costs a fortune. You’ll get there one day - in the meantime, be creative on a dime and show our partner that there are cheap attractions everywhere.


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