15 things to be happy about, instantly

If you’re having a bad day, please cheer yourself up by acknowledging and becoming eternally grateful for the things or people in your life who make you feel happy. It’s a lot easier than you might think.

Here are 15 things to be happy about:

  1. Coffee. Coffee is something, not dissimilar to cocktails, that provides an instant comfort and warmth while acting as a perfect accomplice to conversation and bonding time with friends, partners, or family. For me, barely anything tops a hot cup of black coffee with Pinterest, music, a magazine, or a book. It will remain a lifelong love.

  2. The Beatles. I don’t really feel like it’s necessary to elaborate here; Let’s go ahead and put music, in general, in this category. Music is and shall remain one of my greatest loves.

  3. Sex. No explain action needed.

  4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Closer, Love Actually, Kill Bills, About Time, and Home Alone. Just watch them. And then watch them again.

  5. Puppies. Dogs. Puppies

  6. (If you’re a woman) the freedom (in our country) to express yourself with your head held high - not covered up. The freedom to have a voice without being silenced.

  7. (If you’re a man) you’ll (probably) become better-looking with age. And you’re (usually) still sexy even if you’re out of shape or don’t have perfect, or any really, sense of style. It’s not fair, but you should be happy about it nevertheless. Jerks.

  8. The first smell of Spring

  9. Finding money in a coat pocket, or anywhere really

  10. Laughing really, really hard at something truly hilarious. **Bonus: It’s also a pretty great ab workout.

  11. Family. The only people we are truly capable of loving unconditionally

  12. You can do whatever you want; despite your past. Everywhere you turn there is an opportunity and if you are ready to work for it, you will get it and you will succeed

  13. Books. Reading is an addiction that feels so good and betters your mind instead of killing it.

  14. Food. The history of food is incredible and indulging in the ingredients grown from the very ground we live on is so freaking cool. That and the fact it brings us together, helps us to bond with family. Save money on therapy- take up cooking!

  15. The series, HBO Girls. It has changed my life and honestly aided me through somewhat of a quarter-life crisis where I thought I couldn’t be in a more confusing or horrid stage in life nor be any more of a hot mess. Thanks to this show, which is so real and hilarious to boot, I am pretty sure I’m going to survive them. Shit, maybe even with a bang.

The moral of this list, is that what triggers my happiness may not be the same as yours- but finding 15 things that make me happy was so easy. So, I challenge all of you to do the same and remember this very cliché point I’m about to make:

You only live once; don’t let anyone or any obstacle get in your way. That’s the beauty of being an adult: you can act however you want and do whatever the f*ck you want. Our time here is too short to waste opportunities or become tied down in a situation that makes us sad, scared, lonely, or unfulfilled. Choose happiness, and get moving, the clock is ticking and frowning causes wrinkles.

Yeah, shit got deep today. Go be somebody and love life. And if you mess up today, just try again tomorrow; dwelling is a waste of time and anxiety is an ailment that can become paralyzing. Live in the present and be content, or if you’re really lucky: happy as hell.


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