Lucy Amelia

Twenty-something art school graduate living in the body of a young female professional climbing the corporate ladder. Witness my double-life, here, where I share thoughts of life, surviving your newsfeed of babies and engagement rings while I’m still single and childless (unapologetically so), and other topics of hilarity.

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8 Date ideas for the young, broke, and sexy

So, you’re in your twenties and are dating. You found someone you want to wine and dine and shower with gifts and take dancing and get bottle service. There’s just one tiny problem: you’re a broke-ass. Your current cash flow is less than desirable, thanks to your entry-level low paying job, living expenses, and student loans that have replaced your previous college housing and copious amount of financial support you were receiving from your parents. And we can’t forget that highly anticipated financial aid check.

Welcome to the real world, my friends. Bills are going to be a challenge and being financially savvy will be too. You’re in luck, though, because there are plenty of ways to date someone on a dime, without looking like a cheap-ass or loser. Here are some ways to date on a budget:


  1. Cook dinner at home and watch a movie or Netflix. I will have you know that a package...

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15 things to be happy about, instantly

If you’re having a bad day, please cheer yourself up by acknowledging and becoming eternally grateful for the things or people in your life who make you feel happy. It’s a lot easier than you might think.

Here are 15 things to be happy about:

  1. Coffee. Coffee is something, not dissimilar to cocktails, that provides an instant comfort and warmth while acting as a perfect accomplice to conversation and bonding time with friends, partners, or family. For me, barely anything tops a hot cup of black coffee with Pinterest, music, a magazine, or a book. It will remain a lifelong love.

  2. The Beatles. I don’t really feel like it’s necessary to elaborate here; Let’s go ahead and put music, in general, in this category. Music is and shall remain one of my greatest loves.

  3. Sex. No explain action needed.

  4. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Closer, Love Actually, Kill Bills, About Time, and...

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Social Media: the doors it has closed, and why it’s slowly ruining authenticity


I would like to begin by stating that I have a Twitter handle, Facebook, Instagram, Vine, Wordpress Blog, Google + (even though I still have no idea how the fuck it works), and Pinterest account. In fact, many would even consider me to be somewhat of a social media whore. I won’t deny it, either; I am an avid user of many of these sites. Furthermore, not only do I use them, I understand the power they possess and the domino effect social media has had on so many levels that exploring the different ways will make your head explode. It wasn’t until just recently, though, that I began to start viewing the major cons these sites have embarked upon my life and probably yours too. Here are some of the reasons that social media sites/apps actually kind of suck:

  1. They allow you to stay connected…to a shitload of people you had probably hoped/expected you’d never have to encounter again...

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